Saturday, January 10, 2009

Side Effects

On New Years Day, Michael ran out of luck, met his match, exceeded tolerance levels or, finally, was just overwhelmed by industrial strength chemo drugs. Not a bad track record, since he has been on some type of chemo for 18 months.

This last session was to destroy all new cells in his system for a very short period (24 hrs. +/-). He received his stem cells (the transplant) at 48 hours after chemo. OK, all is well at this time or initial recovery period.

Then, Michael's body wanted those destroyed new cells for smooth ongoing functions. Sores in the mouth, throat, sinus and digestive system developed over night, all white cells were just gone! Appetite was not an issue because he could not eat or drink.

All this, plus a fever over 100.9 degrees, landed him in University of Washington Hospital for five days. Here all his needs were met by IV fluids and antibiotics. All his problems seemed to disappear just as quickly as they first appeared.

Current status, back home in the apartment, feels good, new cells showing up every where and is being treated, daily, on an out patient basis.

Current plan is to count cells and see what develops while providing a boost to any areas found to be wanting.

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