Saturday, December 13, 2008

Down Time

Recall to update that was titled Hurry-up and Wait. Michael (and Sue and I) are in that undefined zone again. Oh yes, there are many things taking place. They can not be seen or do they require aid. Michael is doing well and recovering from the last chemotherapy. No medical actives, other than blood test, taking place.

Michael is responding very well to his treatments and recovers at a faster rate than anticipated. Let's call that, "ahead of the curve". So, we are between events or down time!

All this limited activity will change soon. A second and very strong chemo is set for Wednesday, December 17th. Two day later he will have his stem cells returned by an IV injection with some diluting fluid, saline solution or something.

This will test his ability to recover due to the caustic chemo and a body with most systems at zero. Every thing has a number or range, which are all good at this time, zero is not the norm for any of these measurements.

Down time will turn into a watchful and measured recovery with two weeks in the hospital just to manage his initial recovery.

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