Thursday, October 16, 2008

Tanigable Progress

The doctors in Seattle, Anchorage and Alaska Medicaid all got on the same page, as of 14 Oct. 2008. The result of perfect alignment of the stars has Michael in Seattle at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center as of Tuesday morning (10/15). Sue has been in Seattle since Saturday, last and has worked to make our apartment homey and more comfortable.
Meanwhile, Michael is ill (food poisoning or treatments): however, they have him in the hospital
and on the mend. He will have two weeks of testing, poking, prodding and other medical test. At that point, assuming he is stable, the real work will start with a harvesting of blood and in mature stem cells. Then, big time chemo and a month for recovery.
Sue and I will be there as he hoes into the hospital for recovery before the transplant. Then we will split time in Seattle and Atlanta, starting in mid-January 2009, depending on Michael's needs.
That is as far into the future we can see and plan for with any confidence!

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