Monday, January 14, 2008

The Holiday Season

Christmas and New Years by long distance was the mode for this year's holidays. Michael spent this time in Anchorage with family and friends. While he is doing well and could travel, too many holiday travelers make their flights with a cough, fever, cold, virus, flu or a combination of all of these ailments. Since Michael's immune system is not up to par, 15 hours of flight time and exposure to all those traveling germ generators, was not something to undertake and see what happens.

Once again Aunt Jamie comes to the rescue. Christmas dinner with Bill, Jamie and their family provided Michael the opportunity to over eat, just like all the rest of us. Gifts were exchanged by mail but next time I'm going to write a letter to Santa. Have you ever mailed or shipped something to Alaska? Shipping charges can make one turn into a Scrooge!

New Years Eve was rather tame for a young person. Just thinking back through the years, I'm not sure why I ever took part in that organized, at times bordering on pagan, mayhem. Maybe it was an annual reminder not to partake in such activities. Now back to Michael, a quiet evening with friends and home to bed at a reasonable hour.

2008 is upon us and well under way. Every thing is normal, there is a lot of snow and it's cold in Anchorage. Once again, I missed the spread on nearly every bowl game but that is only a little tarnish on my pride since I have lost my Sports Wagering, Inc. phone number. I think it was 1-800-LOOSEIT.

There is progress to report on the medical front. Michael's doctors have given him the OK to make a trip to Seattle for tests and a walk through in preparation for the bone marrow transplant. His current chemo therapy continues to work and the transplant is the next step. Target for Seattle is early February.

Updates to follow!

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